Thursday, February 27, 2014

40 miles 4 40 years

The most memorable way to hit any milestone.

Just over a year ago now I was running a 9 miler on my birthday and was asked if I was finishing up a 39 miler.  I said no but what a great idea, the seed was planted.   Later listening to a podcast interview with Catra Corbett, the “Dirt Diva”, she talked about doing the same thing.  Deal breaker, if other people did it it’s not crazy, I was in. 
Plans were made.  A 40 mile route was mapped out with stops at some of my favorite local watering holes.  Running mates were informed of the plan and I was obligated.  As Feb. 7th approached I did turn by turn directions and a schedule.  Invited friends to join in for parts.  Hoping for somewhat normal weather during the coldest and snowiest winter ever, I got 0 degrees with wind chills around -15 at the start.

4 brave souls started with me at 11:15 am running the first 9 miles of country roads to Waterville and our first stop at Shawn’s for lunch (highlighted by Rueben Balls), hydration, and a birthday celebration with my family (no school huge surprise).  I left Shawn’s with 3 others, we weaved through Waterville for 7 miles to Granite City.  Now out of the wind, running temps were much warmer.  Along the way my sister-in-law meet us with a beer and Dixie cups and ran a short way with us.  At Granite City we “rehydrated” and exchanged some runners.
     Off to Dale’s and the shortest leg of the epic run only 4 miles.  At Dale’s we were treated as rock starts, walking in to cheers, high fives, and shots on the table (Tequila, Vodka & Red Bull). 
  Again we rehydrated and did a quick jacket change and we were off to do what I thought was the hardest section, 9 miles around Perrysburg to Bar Louie.  The sun was setting, the temps were dropping, the wind was picking up, and the plow was coming.  Finally at Bar Louie to hydrate and devour someone’s tatter tots.  Great to see so many friends and family supporting me.

After a longer than planned break we left to finish circling Perrysburg for 6 miles to BWW’s.  Again a large group was there to meet and support us, but we only stopped briefly.  We were behind schedule and tired.  So 7 strong we took off to finish the last 5 miles up at Swig’s.  We got to Swig’s with 40.02 on the Garmin, 7hrs 7 minutes of running, and almost 11 hours after beginning we had reached our goal and went in to Swig’s where we had taken over.  Celebrated with some craft beer, chicken dog, sweat potato fries, and a chocolate bacon sundae. 
I’d like to thank everyone who meet me for a drink, the establishments we stopped in and caused a ruckus(they let us dry clothes, charge watches and phones, and ect.), and those who acted as sag wagons or chauffeurs.  But most of all JP (20 miles), Dianna (14), Brian (16), Tim (14), Kelly, Mike (5), Steve (7), Kevin (7), Martha (5), and Evan (5) for running parts of the course with me and of course the crazy of the crazies Tom and Mark for doing all 40 miles. 

Sound fun, want to do your own epic milestone adventure?  Of course you do, a few tips.

1.        Post your plans (if people know, your committed)

2.        Find crazy friends who are up for anything

3.       Order better weather

4.       Eat 300 calories an hour. (Need more fuel than just beer, even craft beer)

5.       Take your time (make it fun)